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Thoughts On Christmas

I came across something interesting on TV early in the morning. The swami who was preaching from the verses of the Bhagwat Gita closed his sermon wishing all viewers merry Christmas. He did not stop at that, he went on to compare the lives of Krishna and Jesus and drew some interesting parallels. Here are some of them that were  particularly thought provoking:
  1. Popular figures of their times: Both Jesus and Krishna were loved by the common man on the street. One was the hero of the fisher folks the other the lord of hearts of the ordinary residents of Mathura, a town in ancient Gujarat. 
  2. Immaculate Conception: Though separated by atleast 7000 years by birth, both of them are known to have had an extra ordinary birth. While Baby Krishna escaped the wrath of Kamsa to live another day, infant Jesus escaped the king's soldiers just the same.
  3. Men of Miracles: Both were capable of miracles. While Krishna was widely accepted as incarnation of Vishnu and worshiped even when alive, the followers of Jesus realized his divinity the hard way... after losing him.
These parallels might not be limited to Krishna and Kristo, I am sure that the lives of all saints and Gods will always have striking similarities. What is most evident is the abundance of strife that great lives have to go through during their time of earth. The terrible intrigues, treachery and brutality that Christ had to go through when alive is quite similar to the strife, intrigue and eventually, unfortunate death that Krishna had to meet with when alive.

I take this Christmas season to remember lives of our Lords who left behind simple messages for those who loved and believed in them. Messages that the clergy complicate and the educated distort. May the spirit of mankind lighten each others souls this season.


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