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The Season Of Changes

A friend of mine is moving to Pune. The decision to move was taken, finalized and effected in 20 minutes flat. She leaves this Sunday. Yesterday, over the phone, she made a remark that just does not go away from my mind. She said..."Before you could leave me... I am leaving you." Something in this remark set me thinking of the how my insensitive and thoughtless comments might have hurt her. I am sure that this might have been one of the reasons why she took up that assignment in Pune. Well, I am not sure, but there does exist a probability.

I myself am shifting to Chennai for a couple of months. I do not believe in coincidences, rather, I strongly believe in design. It was only a week ago that I shared with a friend of mine how much I wished to stay away from Hyderabad for a while. The last four months have been taxing, mostly because increasingly I was becoming aware of the silences in my personal life. Somehow I felt that if I move to Chennai or Bangalore (Sis and Brother live in these places) I would gain some composure and stop that humming in my brain. And then a new project happened. I jumped at the opportunity and am ready to pack and go... at least for a couple of months.

My impending re-location and the sudden changes that this has brought about in my existing relationships is disturbing. Whether this is good or bad is something which cannot be deduced in foresight. Maybe a year later, when new faces populate my life and I fight new battles, I will look back and write on the cascading affect of my decision.

I look forward to this change, I am also a very uneasy. The thought that I will no longer be able to glance across and see faces I have grown to love is not easy.

The times, they are a changing, the winds of change fills my sails. What tide awaits in high seas, you know not nor I.


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