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Showing posts with the label SR Diairies

Inclusive Versus Accommodative

I knew that someday you would not be around all the time. I knew that someday the winds will stop blowing your fragrance my way. I knew this and still I dreaded the silences that were to follow the storm you whipped up in my life. A knock on the door changed everything. Now I need not be worried that I will remember you too often... I will never forget you :) Most relationships are accommodating in nature. I am included in your scheme of things, but I am seldom the universe around which you plan your things. Such relationships are what I call accommodating. "I will be in that part of the town tomorrow...shall we meet up?" is an example. Very few relationships are inclusive in nature. When you felt like meeting me, you planned your universe around me, you made me feel very important. You made me believe that for a moment, I was the centre of your universe. I have seldom been made to feel this way. Thank you.

An Alluring Sense of Disconnect

All is well until I hold you in my hands. Even as time stands still with baited breaths waiting for those postcard moment of life to be delivered, my own thoughts are far from you. The fear of what a hug would do to you keeps me from hugging you. The fear of how you would react to a touch, a feel a kiss keeps me from touching you feeling you kissing you. The times that I have lived have been longer than those of others, the thoughts that shape me are as old as myself, the fears that haunt me today; have walked with through all my lonely trecks. It suddenly seems that we two, we are at two disparate ends of an otherwise not so interesting life, I roll back my longings, pack my bags of desire... and walk on. With me walks an alluring sense of disconnect. Rajesh

How Far Will I Ever Be?

No, I wont ever be away from you. Bound to you like the other end of a Compass, I forever remain connected to you. Where ever I go, you will still find me drawing circles, circles of life around you.

You Are My Favorite Sound

My life is a brilliant orchestra.  I do not know the players, I will never see the composer nor the conductor; I do not know when the drums will sound, or the violins play or when the trumpet would shout loud. All I know is that there is magic in the wild cacophony of my life. I like some compositions, I hate some. It might not be a Bethoven or a still sounds like a good symphony to me. And amidst these myriad tunes, you are my favorite sound. Rajesh

Burning Bush fires

Every time we were together, holding hands firing hearts; I have felt the moments light up, electrify. As my fingers criss crossed and drew wild patterns on your waxed skin,  as our bodies intertwined in serpentine loops, as your perfume mingled with my cologne, I had felt the bush fires burn, rage, consume. The fires from my yesteryears fuel the memories of my tomorrows. I never really had enough of you, I am yet to turn cinders. Burn me for all time, the phoenix awaits its ashes. Rajesh

Silences Have A Life of Their Own

There are moments when moments slow down, times when seconds stretch into long years of silences, only the hearts beat out loud. Beyond the definitions of our everyday existence, we reach out to hold hands, be close, and spend time. Togetherness brings solace, peace of the kind that runs scared of being spoken aloud.  Love is like a frail crystal bowl, in our silences it sustains and finds life. Should you ever speak aloud, seek answers when questions are not allowed... the little spark of life that sustains will peter out. All that remain ... will be white noise. Rajesh

Deciphering glances

Once in a while life in its rush leads you to new faces, faces with new voices, new stories to tell, new smiles, and new glances. My life just took one such turn, and I saw you seeing me. Two strangers, divided in time, standing before each other. I will listen to your stories, share those that I think are mine and maybe walk some miles down the road following your smile. Someday, I hope I will have stories to tell about this part of my troubled journey. I hope we grow into each other like old moss and retain the warmth of this meeting in spite of our different lives. Rajesh