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Showing posts with the label DS Diaries

Thank You

If it were left to me I would have meandered my way Through these desolate shores and wiled my life away. Thank you for stopping by Stepping in and sharing a smile All the colors in my life Are colors that you left behind All the songs that I sing Are from thoughts that you left behind Not that the journey is shorter now Not that the roads are better Nor the destiny less unforgiving But the difference is I almost like this living! From Life in a Multiverse

Living with Reasons

What is life if it does not sustain, some memories from the time spent together? Why dream if they do not wake up with me and fill my each day, with thoughts of you? What is time if it would not bend and make way for someday some more time with you? Why have lived at all if it were in a life without you?

Sunsilk Girl

And when it was time to say goodnight, I would hold you close to my aching heart... and just before it was time to let go, I would breathe in the fragrance of your shampooed hair.  And as you walked into the night, I could see them catching the light: streaks of lightning shining in the night.

Mathura Wali

When the hymns are sung and Krishna comes to life, when the chants reach the skies and the incense smells divine, I ask HIM if HE knows how this story ends. Pat comes the reply with a smile, and then, silences fill-in where noises until now ruled. Where one story ends, the other begins. Its a book that I could read for ever and forever will the pages run. I have seen the edge of the world, it is round. If I start tonight, I would simply come around. Caught among the strings of chapters intertwined, is one meandering life.

It Takes A Long Time Living

And then someday, when I walk into a room full of strangers, I shall feel your presence and look around. When I find you, I hope you will remember, once we were friends. I hope you would look into my eyes and remember to smile . I always loved your smile. Someday at a traffic junction with no name, I shall hear a honk and look behind, right into your eyes. And when I see you, I hope you will remember, together, we had traveled once. I hope you will look into my eyes and smile. I always loved your eyes. Its such a long life!

I Remember

Lines from the poem You read to me last Thoughts of music that played When you danced last The SMS that you sent Just before all this merged Into a distant past. Mar-27-2010 From Life in a Multiverse

In Spite of the Wise

It is stupid some would say Allowing my heart to swing astray I agree with the wise It is my choice to be otherwise. Once this small life of mine has run Its innings and I am done I would love to leave behind someone Who at some point in her own little life believed She was mighty precious to someone. Mar-27-2010 From Life in a Multiverse

One Night Guaranteed

Of the things I should leave behind I have no clue. Of the things I should carry forward, Very few are new. All I know as I run into this night, Is that if this night has a tomorrow, With me, there shall be you. Welcome 2010. Dec 31-2009  From Life in a Multiverse

The Walk Down Necklace Road.

Your incessant banter chirping like robins of yore; spring in autumn' sunshine in rain. And as we walk hand in hand through the necklace road lanes your deo mingles with my cologne in a sweet fragrant embrace. 26-Oct-09 From Life in a Multiverse

Good Bye

In losing you I retain The best of you.   The memories that I cherish of you Are not those that you dumped on me; They are the memories That I stole from you The warmth that I feel when I think of you Is removed from the ice-like breeze That envelops me When I am with you. I find it difficult these days To be with you. In losing you I retain The best of you. Aug 28 2009 From Life in a Multiverse

This Night Ends Tonight

This night that runs into tomorrow, Ends tonight. For all that remains to be said and done You have just this one night. HE who maintains those registers would know, The number of nights we're yet to live. All I know at this moment in time, Is that this night that runs into day Ends tonight. Goodnight:) May 2009 From Life in a Multiverse

Subterranean Existence

Let me hurry through the day I do not live here anymore The days are a whiny slob Waiting to be consumed Days are ever expanding universes Waiting for it to collapse into itself Let me hurry through the day I do not live here anymore. To the nights I have shifted, Need I tell you anymore! March 24th, 2009 From Life in a Multiverse

Magnificent Desperations

Weaving dreams out of stuff I could not share, Aspiring to fly to places of no return. I await oblivion in the hands Of the one Who does not care! Does the fiery sun that sets tonight know, If there is a tomorrow, I shall rise again And with folded hands to the unmoving, I shall write again. Jan-1st Week, 2010 From Life in a Multiverse

Spring Flowers, Autumn Bloom

A year of silences were dispelled over a couple of words on Chat.  I have no clue what I have missed out, I do not know of how much trouble, or how much love I missed out in these 365 days. All I know is that I suddenly have an open line again. Memories of the din and buzzle of Hyderabad haunt me again. All the places, all those movies, and the nights our dining together, all these little things, I miss them again. Thank you for some Springtime bloom amidst Autumn gloom. Rajesh

Intense They Are

If I stitch together life with ancient derelict scripts and new age melodrama, and then I play Morgan Freeman and Jack Nic rolled into one, what would the movie be, if not intense. Rajesh


It was one of those absolutely ordinary days. The Hyderabad sun was at its best and the Telangana guys were at rest. These was nothing out of ordinary that day, nothing that would remind me of it again. And then I looked over your bay and saw you busy at work. Some strands of your silken hair would keep falling forward and you would keep pushing them back again. Streaks of Loreal played burgundy colors and your yesterdays waxing caught the sun. Amidst the brown pathos of our workplace, I saw a mirage in green. I do not remember which day that was but I remember the color of your chunni. I do not remember what I had been thinking for ages before this time, but I will never forget what I felt at that freeze frame moment in time.  Out of Don Corleone's world came two thunderbolts, the first took Michael, the other caught me unawares. Since that sordid afternoon years ago, I have been so unsuccessfuly in love with you. Rajesh

Can I have that stranger back?

Somewhere along the way I made some mistakes. Playing multitude of roles, I missed the prompt, improvized and messed it up. There were no encores, I know I could have played those scenes differently, I know I should have done a better job. I want to start all over again. I want to give it one more chance. Can I have the stranger back? Rajesh

Songs Yet to be Sung

And you thought I am done? I have only just begun. For every hour you spent with me there are atleast two more songs to be sung. The day we went to buy a Lehanga and I managed a storeful of distressed salesgirls while you tried 18 dresses before you bought one, and then fought with them too. The time we spent at the park where you forced me to remove my shoes to play in the sand, and then shared with me what makes you you. The time when we went to the movies and I blushed blue, even as you whistled on! The night when crackers lit the night sky, and I could see starlight in your eyes! And the time we went on a camel ride, even as we held on to our lives,  that lazy camel had all the fun. I have enough of you to feed a million lines, there are many more songs to be sung. Rajesh