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Showing posts with the label My Princess Diaries

This Too Shall Pass

As I added years on to my living, my idea of myself grew less hazy. I still do not know more than maybe 5% about I, but then, the 5% that I know is quite interesting. I wait for my story about myself to unfold... as I grow older.  One thing I have realized about myself is the way I sometime allow a stray sentence to get hooked on to my foundations and how I allow some thoughts to govern my actions strongly... for a very long time, probably forever. One such line is : This too shall pass Whenever I have been too sad or too distressed, I fall back   on to this line and feel better instantly. Some days are major disasters, they begin with a strange feeling of loneliness and I finally end up thinking about you. Some time, when I feel too much in love with you, I would end up writing on a piece of paper... this too shall pass, and I survive another day. When ever I have found myself yearning and longing and waiting for someone to be by my side, or to catch a glimpse of someone I lost on th

My Favorite Script

The new does not replace the old. It just finds a little space of its own and cuddles in. Your thoughts are like frozen concrete of snow. It will take a million years to melt, another million to vaporize. Punctuating between random thoughts, my thoughts comes back to you. It is as if a flock of a million birds fly out into the sky each day, but come evening, they all come back to the same tree to roost.  The randomness of my thoughts always fall back to the simple constant of your memories. I always end up thinking about you. The silken hair and the lip gloss that you ended up eating all the time, the whiff of perfume and that not just another women style :)  I have sometimes wished my script to have had a different line, but when I think of the time we spend together, I fall in love with all those times... all over again. You are my favorite story, you make me love the movie of my life. Rajesh

The Best Of Me

Sifting through the fine grain of memories, I come across nuggets of yore. I look into your eyes and I see they twinkle still, I see you smile and feel glad that you retain the magic still. I pose for a snap and see me with you frozen still. I look at myself, my balding mane my deceptive laugh lines my tired life, I close my eyes and thank God. Thank God that you knew me as a kid.  Now I know why you are so special still.  You have known the best of me,  You have known me as a kid. Rajesh