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Lessons from India

Today, one of my relatives sent me a presentation on Indian Spirituality. The messages are very simple and to the point. They are also universal. Here are the messages: “Whomsoever you encounter is the right one” “Whatever happened is the only thing that could have happened” “Each moment in which something begins is the right moment” “What is over, is over” Wonderful and simple. Demystifies so many aspect of my personal life. Hope you folks also find something interesting in these.

Dreams Out There Drying

I have spread my dreams out to dry They were wet from yesterday’s tears Should you chance upon them on the line Don’t bother, just let them be. I have heard from the unheard There will be another long night tonight. Jan 24-2011 From Life in a Multiverse

While Waiting For You

I have willed Time to slow down So that in the little time I have with you I could spend more time with you. I have desperately tried for it to bend So that the memories of time spent with you Could be lived for ever more. I have counted the seconds in a minute And counted the minutes in a day In anticipation of spending One more day with you. Time being what it is I will no more. Dec-23 -2011

Sounds That Fill My Silences

Now that silences are back Where once your sweet nothings played I wait in the eerie darkness of my nights For some lost whisper of your sound to play again Some thought you might have left unsaid Suddenly finding decibels Some story that you left incomplete Suddenly finding a script I wait for old songs to play Someday. Dec-9-2010 From Life in a Multiverse

New Bloom

Memories from Springtime Lend light to Autumn gloom. As I wade through fallen leaves I see new hope bloom. As familiar words Fire Telephone Lines Old longings give way to new desires. Memories from Springtime Lend cheer to Autumn gloom. Nov 20-2010 From Life in a Multiverse

I Love

The touch of your skin on my skin The way your fret and fume under a kiss The way you run away from a hug And then come back for more Nov 17-2010 From Life in a Multiverse

Memories from Springtime

When I feel like writing, You become my muse. When I hold the pen, you flow effortlessly as ink. From memories of you have spawned Every word I ever wrote. Every keyboard I ever tapped made weird sounds, sounded like your name. With every long breath that I take Wafts in the fragrance of your shampooed hair. You are the words the punctuations and the pause. You are the intention, You are also the original cause. 8-July-2010 From Life in a Multiverse