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Her Favorite Villain

Has anyone ever told you that you are almost impossible to manage? That you are grossly impossible of acting as if you had one normal cell in your body? You never tell me that you love me, you never wish me on my birthday and you never have time to take me out!! When was the last time you liked me on FB?, never! I have never heard you speak a gentle word to any adult. The only thing you are good at is your work and playing ghoda with the neighbors kids. Uff! Do you know how frustrating all this is to me? You should have been in Police. You don't have a heart. Why am I wasting my time, you are beyond listening as well! Are you there?

I am.

Is that aaaaaalllll you have to say? Twenty years and this is what you have to say: Aaaiiii Am?

Did you as just say twenty?
Yes goddammit. I have spent twenty years with you.

Oh shit, I guess I am better than I thought! Thank you baby!

PS: Ghoda stands for Horse in Hindi.


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