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Water Fountain Blues

I still remember my first date with a water fountain. Hyderabad airport was newly built, everything gleamed in chrome and the signage were awesome. I saw that they had done away with the paper or plastic based water dispensers, there was a "fountain" instead. The instructions were clear, press here and slurp (yeah, I am aware of the connotations). There was even a photograph of a caucasian blonde drinking out of a fountain, ...made it all look like something very up market and sexy. How could I be left behind? I pressed the right button, made myself look all elite, bent my tall frame into an odd geometrical shape, opened my mouth in an angle that closely resembled palsy (with due respects to all sentiments)... Nothing happened! I fumbled with the switch again and pressed it hard. The girl next to me got the first shot of water in the wrong places, and shrieked!

it is five years now. I gave it a good three years to learn how to drink out of these fountains, and then certified myself untrainable. Those three years were full of free entertainment to fellow commuters, ugly looks and drenched times water did find way further down into those secret places that I don't want to write about.

I carry a used Kinley bottle with me for the last two years. I have made numerous grateful friend sharing this old bottle with newbies around numerous water fountains across Indian airports. I don't slurp, I drink ;-)


  1. A commentary on life in the 21st Century.

  2. That was hilarious!

    I think water fountains should be for decoration only. They certainly aren't meant to deliver water to a human's mouth!


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